Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 5


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



TRAP (near Chests)
Hardly needs to be mentioned. Push Transparent Crystal in front of Blaster.
The Green Poles will be ruined, and you can walk out between the two Poles.

TRAP (near Diviner's Hall)
Almost identical to the one above, and just as easy:
Push Transparent Crystal in front of the rightmost Blaster.
The Green Poles will be ruined, and you can exit between them.

This Halfgate sister (there are four others!) wants to study Weaponcraft. If your Weaponcraft Skill is less than 55%, you won't be able to teach her anything she doesn't already know. If it is 55% or more, she will reward you with a Medium Crossbow [100].

Stay away. One Character (usually Gorath) will get Poisoned [55%].


Minstrel Tamney can raise your Barding Skills drastically, if you find him in Chapters 1 and 2. (His placement will differ slightly - see Map above.) He won't be found here in Chapter 3. In Chapter 5 he's gone into hiding, and you'll have to make sure he returns to Northwarden. [See Duke Martin below.]
Chapter 1: Tamney wants you to find a Light Bowstring to restring his lute. If you bring him one, your Barding Skill will rise by 5 to 7 points (depending on your selections).

Chapter 2: You can meet Tamney twice in Chapter 2.
The first time he will teach you Scales and give you a Practice Lute [125], but you'll have to pay him 75 Gold Sovereigns. Your Barding Skill will rise by 15-22 points, depending on your Selections. If you take Tamney's first lesson, he will run off, but he will return later. (Try going as far as you can to the West, and then return.) Tamney's second lesson will cost you 20 Gold Sovereigns. He will teach you Strumming. Your Barding Skill will rise by 9-14 points.

Note: The numbers above may be slightly off, but only by 1 point. This results from Experience Points gained while Practising Scales and Strumming the Lute.


The Baron is not here in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, apart from the information he offers, you can earn a suit of Euliliko Armor [100] from him. In Chapter 3 you can still earn the suit of Armor, and hear some interesting news about Duke Martin and Locklear, Raglam and the Six. At the start of Chapter 5, you should head directly to Northwarden - in order to find Duke Martin, you must first ask the Baron about him. The Baron will also mention Minstrel Tamney.


In Chapter 5 Duke Martin will be found South of Northwarden after you've met Baron Gabot and asked him about the Duke. Martin holds a central position in Chapter 5. He will give you four Quests to perform, one after the other. When all the Quests have been performed, he will direct you back to Northwarden. Once you get there, the Chapter will end.

The Duke can also raise your Crossbow Skill by 10 - 15 points, depending on your Selections.

QUEST # 1: POISON MOREDHEL RATIONS. If you ask Martin about Baron Gabot, he will ask you to posion some Moredhel Rations to be found nearby. The Rations are in three Moredhel Chests in the Northwarden area. Note that you do not need to poison all these Rations - leaving Rations (Poisoned) [1] in each Chest will do the trick, and you can keep the rest for yourself. Now return to Martin for your next Quest.

QUEST # 2: FIND MINSTREL TAMNEY. Next Duke Martin will want you to find the runaway Minstrel, and convince him to go back to Northwarden. If this Quest is active, you will find Tamney hiding in the Dencamp Barn. Strength of 30 or more is needed to open the Barn. Tamney will refuse to go anywhere, unless you can bring him Geomancy Stones, found only in the Diviner's Halls. Do this, and the Quest is done. Tamney will reward you with 3 Diamonds [100]. Each of these will be worth 1425 Gold Sovereigns in the Dencamp Shop. You should sell them here, but don't spend all your money now, because you are going to need 2000 Gold Sovereigns pretty soon! Return to Martin.

QUEST # 3: RECOVER DELEKAN'S BATTLE PLANS. Ask Martin about Goblins. He will now want you to recover Delekhan's Battle Plans. These will be found in Raglam, and in order to enter the Raglam area (Zone 6 East), you will have to make your way through an army of Goblins. This will cost you 2000 Gold Sovereigns in bribes. [You're welcome to fight them, but this is pretty useless, because both of the combats here (#27 and #28) are endless.] The procedure for recovering the Plans will be described in the Raglam Sector of the Map Web. When you've located the plans, return them to Duke Martin and accept your final Quest.

QUEST # 4: FIND THE INVISIBLE MAGICIANS. Duke Martin's final Quest is to find six invisible Spellcasters and kill them. Martin will direct you towards the southwest. The Spellcasters are hiding away near a house (with a well) south of Dencamp. [If you've been here before, you will have run into a Magical Field set up by the Spellcasters, which will cause you 5 points of damage every time you run into it.] If the Quest is active, the Spellcasters will reveal themselves as soon as you approach the house. This is quite a tricky Combat, so make sure you save your game first!

Having dealt with the Spellcasters, go and see Martin for the last time. He will send you to Northwarden. One you enter the Palace, the Chapter will be over. [Note: You will only meet James, Locklear and Patrus once again, in Chapter 7, where they won't have much use for money. So if you have a lot of money at the end of Chapter 5, you should consider using it wisely at the shops in Northwarden, Dencamp or Raglam.]

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 5. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 01 ( Fork S of Northwarden ) Zone 5 Chapter 1-1 Enemies= 3
GA 001 0104 06 34 25 04 19 52 59 45 00 SKA53 BSW62 LCR71 QUA04 PEK01 16.00
GF 002 0305 05 36 28 05 21 45 60 53 00 SKA64 LAM79 RTT05 10.00
GF 003 0606 08 45 34 05 19 74 65 60 00 SKA54 LAM86 DAL02 00.24
Combat # 16 ( Near Kenting Rush Exit ) Zone 5 Chapter 3-3 Enemies= 5
MF 066 0106 05 28 19 03 21 44 48 00 00 SKA74 BSW68
MA 067 0408 04 38 35 05 19 35 41 57 00 SKA71 BSW90 LCR90 QUA18
MA 068 0605 05 32 24 03 15 52 46 60 00 SKA79 LAM73 LCR66 QUA07
MS 069 0307 06 20 25 05 12 40 51 00 78 SKA88 BSW94 LCR92 QUA09 RTT06 DESP+HOCH+MIND
MS 070 0507 04 26 27 03 12 38 40 00 81 SKA84 BSW66 00.49 GIFT+HOCH+SKIN+UNFO
Combat # 17 ( S of Diviner's Hall ) Zone 5 Chapter 3-3 Enemies= 6
TR 071 000A 02 64 63 05 33 69 60 77 00
TR 072 0205 04 61 50 04 30 75 59 85 00
TR 073 0306 05 51 54 04 30 73 59 82 00 RES03
TR 074 0508 05 55 66 05 34 65 58 85 00
TR 075 0605 03 59 50 04 25 65 52 84 00 00.15
TR 076 0709 05 48 54 04 29 72 53 77 00
Combat # 21 ( Near Kenting Rush Exit ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 5
MA 087 0107 05 37 28 04 13 40 34 62 00 EAR51 GOB66 THC76 QUP09 WHT01
MA 088 0306 04 29 21 03 15 48 30 52 00 SKA83 2HB80 TLC91 QUP19 RSS05
MF 089 0606 02 33 21 05 18 41 31 00 00 EAR59 KIN75 RTT10 WHT02 PEK01 RES02
HA 090 020A 05 28 24 02 15 31 55 00 95 HAM01 50.00
HA 091 0506 06 32 16 03 13 48 44 00 86 HRB03 34.00
Combat # 22 ( S of Duke Martin ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 5
MF 092 0108 02 37 24 05 16 41 40 00 00 SKA82 2HB95
MA 093 0205 07 25 34 03 19 43 36 49 00 SKA82 2HB72 MCR74 QUP12
MA 094 0606 05 37 21 05 18 36 49 56 00 SKA97 KIN59 THC79 QTP06 RPP05
GF 095 0306 08 45 34 04 21 51 58 49 00 SKA97 GOB79 KRO02
GF 096 0505 08 31 25 04 25 48 59 51 00 EAR82 GOB88 DRA04
Combat # 23 ( W of Duke Martin ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 5
GF 097 0107 07 39 28 04 25 75 61 53 00 EAR41 GOB71 HAM05 RES04 31.00
GF 098 0608 07 33 26 04 18 68 56 60 00 EAR88 2HB75 RES05
HA 099 0305 07 31 17 03 10 50 46 00 95
HA 100 0507 05 25 21 03 12 44 44 00 95 18.00
HA 101 0706 07 31 24 04 14 50 36 00 95 TOR04 DAL01
Combat # 24 ( N of Duke Martin ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 5
MS 102 0107 00 33 17 05 18 44 59 00 88 EAR69 GOB74 CLE02 SCR37 49.00 HOCH+FLAM+SKIN+THOU+FETT
GF 103 0205 06 35 35 04 25 65 59 60 00 SKA96 2HB94 RED03 19.00
GF 104 0406 05 32 26 05 22 58 58 57 00 EAR61 2HB96 RUB82 TOR05
GF 105 0607 05 40 25 04 23 52 60 50 00 EAR72 RAP86 RTT04 33.00
HA 106 0604 06 29 23 03 11 33 35 00 89 SKYF+GRIE+SKIN
Combat # 25 ( Fork W of Northwarden ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 5
MS 107 0106 03 32 12 04 10 36 54 00 84 EAR74 KIN53 PEK01 24.00 FLAM+SKIN+UNFO+STRE
MS 108 0608 06 26 23 04 14 45 55 00 73 SKA88 2HB83 FLAM+GRIE+SKIN
HA 109 0308 07 35 18 03 13 43 41 00 92 SKA97 2HB92 BRO100 RES04 GRIE+SKIN+STRE
OS 110 0405 03 46 49 03 43 58 48 00 00 KIN84
OS 111 0605 04 58 44 04 33 57 53 00 00 2HB98 HRB02
Combat # 26 ( Road W of Northwarden ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 5
OS 112 0204 04 56 51 02 34 54 50 00 00 2HB82
OS 113 0404 03 48 52 02 36 54 52 00 00 2HB97
OS 114 0604 05 60 44 02 39 47 50 00 00 GOB96
MS 115 0307 04 22 27 04 15 36 43 00 74 2HB82 FLAM+MIND+STRE
MS 116 0506 03 37 10 03 12 47 45 00 76 GOB85 DESP+GIFT+SKYF+GRIE
Combat # 27 ( Raglam Exit ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 6
GF 117 0105 07 45 28 04 22 57 56 52 00 DPA84 2HB82 WHT01 NAP01 32.00
GF 118 0307 05 45 33 04 19 75 57 52 00 EAR85 KIN68 HRB03 43.00
GF 119 0405 05 30 30 05 22 68 60 56 00 DPA89 2HB82 ANT01 31.00
GF 120 0609 05 32 31 04 18 53 55 48 00 EAR89 KIN68 43.00
GF 121 0606 08 30 27 04 22 55 58 57 00 SKA89 KIN65 27.00
GA 122 0704 08 34 27 04 18 50 64 53 00 EAR76 GOB67 MCR83 QEA09 RES04
Combat # 28 ( Raglam Exit ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 5
GF 123 0105 03 33 30 04 22 45 63 45 00 SKA91 2HB79
GA 124 0204 03 41 34 05 24 72 63 57 00 EAR76 2HB88 MCR70 QEA08 DRA04
GA 125 0406 03 42 29 04 24 73 58 47 00 EAR47 KIN65 THC91 QUP08 HAM08 13.00
GF 126 0504 02 33 26 04 23 72 57 45 00 DPA94 2HB70 PRA10 TOR01
GA 127 0606 03 40 28 04 23 50 59 45 00 SKA93 RAP72 THC73 QEA06 27.00
Combat # 29 ( E of Diviner's Hall ) Zone 5 Chapter 5-5 Enemies= 4
OS 128 0006 05 59 43 03 31 57 54 00 00 2HB97 TOR05
OS 129 0306 03 59 50 04 32 59 51 00 00 2HB94 NOX02 HAM01 KRO04
OS 130 0605 04 58 54 03 30 57 47 00 00 2HB75
HA 131 0205 06 26 20 03 13 41 55 00 87 LEW06 GIFT+FLAM+MIND