ZONE 8 - Elvandar / North Trail
Chapter 6


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



This one is simple. Gorath pushes the left Transparent Crystal forth, thus getting rid of the Green Pole Current. Next he pushest the right Transparent Crystal into a position to trigger the right Blaster, in order to get rid of the Red Pole Current. Owyn finally pushes the Solid Crystal forth, clogging the Left Blaster. Owyn can now comfortably exit the Trap, since the Red Right Pole shields him from the Right Blaster.


You need Fadamor's Formula in order to utilize the magical properties of this Well. For each portion of Fadamor's you will be able to raise your Characters' Strength by 3 points. But take care! In version 1.01 there's a catch to this, and in version 1.02 there is a ridiculous bug!
Version 1.01: This works, more or less as promised. You can raise Strength by 3 points for each portion of Fadamor's. But the game can cheat you! I've tried to analyse this, and here's what I think happens: First Owyn's inventory is checked for Fadamor's Formula. If he has any, it will all disappear, not just one portion! If Owyn doesn't have any, Gorath's supply is checked. If he has any, it will all go, just as in Owyn's case! Are these guys clumsy, or what? There seems to be an obvious method to avoid this. First make sure Gorath is holding ALL the available Fadamor's. Now give ONE portion to Owyn. Use the Well. Repeat until all the Fadamor's has gone. You will now have utilized every portion available. (If you don't want to take any chances on this, just place all the Fadamor's you have in a Bag, and then feed one portion at a time to either of the Characters.)

Version 1.02: Probably the programmers became aware of this problem, and tried to correct it in the new version. They really bungled it. Now the Well doesn't consume any Fadamor's AT ALL. Even if you only have ONE portion, you can go on raising Strength for ages! Surely this was not meant to be. You can raise Strength to 250 this way (which is utterly silly), but beware! I would suggest stopping at 200 - any more Strength is useless, and practically dangerous. Why?

Here's the reason why. I don't want to go into this in mathematical detail, but 255 is the highest Strength figure the game can handle. If Strength goes above that number, it will revert to 0 (Zero). You don't want that to happen, do you? At this stage of the game, there are at least two possibilities left for this to happen. So don't be TOO greedy, please?


Elvandar can be entered in two ways, both of which trigger the end of Chapter Six. It is not a good idea to enter via this Sector, unless you've already been to the Ancient Valheru Ruins (see), found the Guarda Revanche and repaired it using the Shell received from Eliaem. It is quite possible to finish the game without the Guarda, but it definitely helps (bugs and all). The Valheru Ruins also lead to Elvandar.


Beware! If you enter this area, you will fall asleep every time you take a step. Rations will be consumed at an alarming rate! The mechanics here are not easy to establish, but it seems that the following can be relied on:

Each LARGE STEP takes approximately 31 hours. This means that one, and sometimes two, Rations will be consumed per step.

The Basic Skills Maxima get raised as time passes. If you have HUGE amounts of Rations, you can pump up the Basic Maxima by spending a lot of time exploring the Sleeping Glades. (Not really recommended!)

You can reach the Ancient Valheru ruins without entering the Glades. Having crossed the West Bridge, go West, staying as close to the river as possible. When you reach the Western Hills, go North, hugging the hillside. DO NOT veer East!

There is basically only one Cache of interest here, the Trapped Chest West of Elvandar. It contains a Bessy Mauler, which Gorath would like to have. Make sure you have enough Rations, and take the shortest route! The group of three Chests is unlikely to be of interest, although the shortest path towards it is quite within your means. The Trapped Chest has UNFORTUNATE FLUX (surely held by Owyn at this stage), and (in version 1.02) MIRRORWALL. If you're tempted, be careful - you need a Lockpicking Skill of 95 minimum to deactivate the Trap!

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 8. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 15 ( North Trail, near Well ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 2
WB 047 0104 03 58 47 03 27 61 48 70 85
WB 048 0304 05 51 49 02 35 58 45 74 74
Combat # 16 ( Near Trap on Elvandar Road ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 3
WG 049 0404 02 56 38 02 30 56 51 72 65
WB 050 0104 03 48 30 03 26 56 60 74 89
WB 051 0605 05 51 48 03 31 73 60 70 78
Combat # 17 ( At North Trail junction ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 4
WB 052 0105 05 40 38 03 31 73 49 78 84
WB 053 0305 04 53 40 02 26 74 48 71 85
WB 054 0506 03 52 47 02 34 64 55 80 77
WB 055 0704 05 42 44 03 25 74 46 78 82
Combat # 18 ( Outside Valheru Ruins ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 2
WB 056 0105 04 40 47 02 26 66 51 77 75 WYV01 WYV01
WB 057 0404 07 15 3 01 25 64 50 74 82
Combat # 21 ( Near N end of North Trail ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 3
WB 066 0103 03 45 41 03 34 59 48 73 76
WB 067 0406 05 46 46 03 27 73 51 79 81
WB 068 0604 05 45 46 03 26 75 57 73 84
Combat # 22 ( South of Elvandar ) Zone 8 Chapter 6-6 Enemies= 5
WB 069 0104 05 54 43 02 26 60 49 80 83
WB 070 0209 02 53 48 02 25 74 58 79 70
WB 071 0404 02 57 46 02 35 72 60 73 74
WB 072 0509 05 51 35 03 31 74 52 78 88
WB 073 0604 04 54 37 02 32 71 45 70 78