ZONE 6 - Armengar
Chapter 4


This is an Image Map. Click Green Caches, Yellow Combats, or Red Arrows.



Talk to Irmelyn at the Tavern. He will ask you to release Obkhar, who has been imprisoned by Venutrier in the Naphtha Mines (East of Armengar). Free Obkhar, and return here in order to collect your reward (200 Gold Sovereigns). Irmelyn will now give you more information: How to find the Witch Cullich.

NOTE that the area East of Armengar is a veritable FOREST of Restorative Bushes.
If you look carefully, you can pick up Restoratives [146] here!


Don't leave Armengar without visiting the Naphtha Caverns. You can pick up Naphtha [30] here. Note: There are seemingly THREE Caches here. Not so. The two Caches on the left are the same. They both appear to contain Naphtha [12], but if you appropriate one, the other one will have disappeared. The third Cache (rightmost) is different. It contains Naphtha [18], but if you re-click it (don't!), Gorath will get sick from the fumes.


Very simple, this one. Use the Solid Crystal to clog the leftmost Blaster. Now you can easily sneak behind the other two Blasters.


Fat, scarred and ugly, Venutrier will be found near the entrance of the Naphtha Mines.

He will talk to you, but the dialogue won't grow amusing
until you attempt to enter the Mines!


Finn signals the end of Chapter 4.
If you want to explore this Zone further, avoid him! He will take you to Krondor, and you won't meet Gorath and Owyn again until Chapter 6.

Have you met Finn before? Where?

This is a rough table of all Enemies in this sector of Zone 6. For more detailed information click on the Combat Number in the map above, or in the table below.

Combat # 30 ( Near Waterfall ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 4
GF 145 0107 05 44 25 05 18 70 64 53 00 SKA87 KIN50 HAM03 FRO04 16.00
GA 146 0306 05 45 32 05 24 61 65 45 00 SKA95 GOB74 MCR97 QUP08 14.00
GF 147 0506 06 31 27 04 23 51 63 55 00 EAR52 2HB91 BRO77 GPK01 LEW02
OS 148 0204 03 46 54 02 32 48 51 00 00 KIN55 27.00
Combat # 31 ( North of Armengar ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 5
GF 149 0107 05 41 27 04 23 55 59 50 00 DPA95 2HB95 WHT18 ICE03 29.00
GA 150 0306 07 41 27 05 24 72 64 51 00 SKA93 KIN59 MCR79 QUP15 NPK01 27.00
GF 151 0605 07 36 30 05 20 65 56 59 00 SKA87 2HB88 RSS06 NPK01
GF 152 0204 07 44 34 04 22 64 60 55 00 SKA89 2HB96 RTT09 22.00
GF 153 0504 08 44 26 05 25 61 65 59 00 SKA90 KIN55 TOR05 43.00
Combat # 32 ( South of Armengar ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 3
GA 154 0105 07 33 25 05 24 71 60 60 00 EAR48 2HB91 MCR71 QUF06 HRB03 GTK01
GF 155 0605 08 32 29 04 21 75 56 54 00 EAR83 GOB67 RTT11 47.00
MF 156 040A 01 63 40 07 23 79 61 00 00 SKA98 2HB76 RTT13
Combat # 33 ( North of Inclindel Bridge ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 5
MF 157 0106 04 44 28 05 14 41 33 00 00 EAR40 2HB85
MA 158 0405 07 27 26 05 18 51 35 48 00 EAR44 2HB86 MCR89 QUF07 RTT07
MF 159 0606 02 26 22 03 14 58 39 00 00 EAR65 2HB82 RTT05 45.00
OH 160 0304 03 46 65 04 27 52 44 00 70 SKA98 KIN61 KRO02 30.00 DESP+HOCH+UNFO
OH 161 0505 04 59 61 04 28 59 50 00 75 SKA86 2HB75 RUB78 GIFT+SKIN+FETT
Combat # 34 ( South of Inclindel Bridge ) Zone 6 Chapter 4-4 Enemies= 5
MF 162 0105 02 27 21 04 22 43 49 00 00 SKA90 2HB98 45.00
MF 163 0305 03 29 18 04 17 58 41 00 00 SKA91 RAP83
MA 164 0605 05 40 24 05 18 45 39 65 00 DPA98 2HB90 TLC80 QUP19 EME73
GF 165 0204 07 32 33 04 24 50 57 50 00 EAR58 2HB84 GPK01 DRA04 16.00
GF 166 0503 05 37 27 04 23 68 60 59 00 EAR77 2HB78 RPP04 HAM22 PEK01 12.00